Wednesday, September 17, 2008

The Port

I am all about having stuff REMOVED from my body...especially when it's defective- like my gallbladder or boobs! I am not such a huge fan of having things added. So when Dr. Bob said I was having a Mediport installed in my chest, and then showed it to me - I wasn't thrilled.

A Mediport is about the size of a contact lens case and has a flexi tube that is surgically implanted underneath my skin. The tube hooks into the vein under my collarbone and the port is sewn into the tendons (or whatever they do...Dr. Bob told me and immediately had me sedated so I don't remember a whole lot). I am "no right arm" for IVs since I am now at risk for Lymphedema on that side, the Mediport will save the tiny veins on my left arm during the next 16 months of chemo and infusion treatments. All blood work and IVs will be done directly through the port. Sounds good...I guess...

Yesterday Mike and I reported at the hospital at 6am for my outpatient procedure. It's a little scary when the registration desk, nurses, orderlies and anesthesia staff all remember exactly who you are...from just 2.5 weeks ago! My friend Robyn said it's because I'm such a memorable person and have an extraordinary case. Maybe....

The surgery started about 8am and I was given a twilight anesthesia, no problems, woke up and basically got sent home. I felt pretty good when we were driving home and actually asked Mike to take me to KOP mall. He took me home instead, I fell asleep in the car and then went immediately to bed when we got home and slept until almost 4pm.

The incision area is giving me some major discomfort. I was still sore from the mastectomy, so this is just adding back to the pain. I feel like I'm back to where I was at 2 weeks ago! The only problem now - I can't take the percocet since I'm starting chemo on Monday. It's tylenol only for that does anything. I can at least take the coedine at night.

Other than that I can't drive today, so Lilly and I are stuck in the house. It hurts to walk, sit, eat, type...everything! I can't take a shower until Monday. Mike is once again washing my hair and I am back in the bathtub getting sponged down.

1 comment:

graymama said...

Thinking of you, lady <3

I plan on giving you a ring tomorrow morning :-D