Monday, December 7, 2009

Indiemade Craft Market 2009

Oh yes- the Diaper Bag Wrangler was in full effect this past weekend! I don't do many shows anymore but I really wanted to do this show. So here's my set up:

The great thing about this show is that it caters to a younger crowd, but they still have vendors that appeal to everyone. It is juried, so all the vendors were selected from the applicants which creates a great balance. A lot of the shows I have done in the past are over-run by jewelry or the "direct sales" vendors that manage to sneak their way in.

I met some fabulous other crafters: be sure to check out some of my faves:

There were 40 vendors and the first 50 attendees got swag bags filled with coupons and samples. The line started at least an hour before the show opened! I don't know how long it was, but there was a HUGE rush of customers at 10am when the doors opened.

Unfortunately Mother Nature unleashed her fury in the form of snow late in the afternoon, so that slowed things down. At 5pm we were packed up and out the door! I am thankful for 3 things: 1. My husband who packed and unpacked the car and worked the show with me from 8am-5pm and barely complained, 2. Garmin GPS, 3. Subaru all wheel drive.

Once we left the show were were planning on going home, unloading the car, feeding the dog and THEN get Lilly, but the snow and roads were awful so we decided to go straight to Grandmom's house. Here's our trip:

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