Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Too good to be true

I was prepared for this to happen but I was secretly hoping it wouldn't. My hair is falling out...again! Like losing it once isn't bad enough!

It's been growing for almost 1 month, and yesterday morning I noticed that my pillow was covered in tiny 1/4" hairs. So to see if it was a fluke I did some scientific research- last night I flipped my pillow over. Hi-tech, right. This morning once again it was covered in tiny hairs. No!!! I'll either have to shave my head bald again, or sleep with the sleep caps again to contain the hairs so they don't get embedded in my pillows. I was rubbing my head today (it's itchy) and my hand was covered in hairs. Time to get out the lint brush again! Haha.

My "original" eyebrows are all gone. They started growing back on the inside, kinda toward my nose. Not so much on the outside. I have 3 "original" eyelashes left. They are growing back too and are really itchy and my eyes are always watering. Hey- kinda like when they fell out!

So here's a timeline of hair loss, hair growth, and I guess hair loss again!

10/7/08 (before) :

10/7/08 (after) :

10/11/08 :

10/13/08 :

10/15/08 :

12/28/08 :

1/3/09 :

1/12/09 :

1/21/09 :

1 comment:

Caits said...

Sorry to hear this KC!
I like the little mohawk from
10/11/08, it's cute!!!!